podcast transcriptions - Note To Future Me


Published on:

2nd Jul 2020

Podcast Transcriptions

I want to talk a little bit about how I have always been advocating for transcriptions.

Great show notes. Why it's important and namely up to this point, it's been for SEO purposes. Search engine optimization for Google to find what you're talking about. Easier and answer any queries that are made on Google that if it matches your podcast, you have a better shot of of showing up. Now a new search engine for podcasts called PodScribe.

And real interesting and talk a little bit about take off with their page PodScribe. They've been in the podcasting space and working with transcriptions for years. They started as a podcast player, Podible, focusing on personalized recommendations. They tackled the discovery problem by analyzing podcast transcriptions to uncover how podcast are related to each other. They got traction attracting tens of thousands of users to the app. They even produced their own shows, of which one has one or two has since been picked up by Barstool, sits atop the charts.

However, they realized the many difficulties of growing a podcast playing app in today's age. Having worked for many years prior as software engineers in the ad tech industry. They decide to shift focus. They now work with brands and agencies to help them advertise on podcasts more intelligently. They still rely on the foundation of the app and transcription and recommendation engine to match advertisers with the best possible show for their brand. They're excited to put all together and help move the podcast advertising industry forward.

So what the deal is with PodScribe as you go to their Web site and you want to search podcasts and you want to find it, let's say you are Johnson and Johnson and you want to find a podcast that specifically talks about parenting maternity because you want to advertise your diapers, Pampers. Or any other baby product that Johnson and Johnson manufacturers. So an easy way to do that as well. Let's search podcasts to see which ones are dealing with those topics or have parents in mind or mothers are.

You know, maybe maybe the focus is small kids. Well, sometimes you can't find that out by the title of a podcast. It's all in the details, in the content. Well, if you don't have your podcast transcribed or really good podcast show notes. A search engine is really not going to find you. Now, PodScribe is not going to find you either. Very simply, you go to pod scribe hit search podcasts and they're going to ask you to log in.

You can search my key term, in fact, right on their home page. I believe they do some search through Joe Rogan podcast and showing you, you know, the leg buildup that the last two or three episodes and showing you a transcription of his podcast and what topics he's talking about. So, you know, taking a look at. Let's see. Yeah. The last episode I'm seeing here, Jon Stewart. It transcribes it. And if there is any mention specifically of, let's say, again, that topic of maternity or babies or anything like that, and he does that kind of consistently on different episodes, which Joe Rogan is not going to maybe not a great example, but as an example, they're going to go through the description and the transcription and maybe make some choices, saying, you know, maybe we ought to be on that podcast.

We need to be on that podcast. Didn't realize that podcast was actually talking about the topic. That type of listener that we want to reach. Again, another great example of why transcriptions are important. And I can see pod scribe taking off pretty maybe not for the normal listener, but for ad agencies or for any business that's looking to advertise on a podcast as an alternative to any social media buy could be a traditional media buy. They just really want to hone in on a specific audience.

Podcasts are great to do that and PodScribe going to be a platform they're going to be able to use. So again, another reason transcriptions and very detailed podcast show notes are going to become the norm. And if you're not doing it right now, start immediately. Hey, thanks for checking in.

And I also want to give a shout out to ArchesAudio dot com, that music you heard. It's called True Grit. Great stuff. I think another piece of this 31 day challenge is to find 31 pieces of music to put on each episode.

So I just found this resource recently. I have no affiliation with them at all other than I thought. Hey, found this new resource for free podcast music, ArchesAudio dot com. All you've got to do is give them recognition within your podcast verbally and also put it in your podcast show notes and the music is free. That's a pretty cool ArchesAudio dot com.

Recorded in Studio C at Channel 511, in the Brewery District, downtown Columbus, OH.

Brett Johnson is the owner and lead consultant at Circle270Media Podcast Consultants. With over 35+ years of experience in Marketing, Content Creation, Audio Production/Recording and Broadcasting, the podcast consultants at Circle270Media strategically bring these strengths together for their business Podcast clients.

Subscribe to my free daily Open The Mic Newsletter at www.circle270media.com. It's chock full of podcast news you may have missed, as well as social media, sales, and audio production tips, and insights on how to grow your business podcast.

If your business is using podcasting as a marketing or branding tool, I would love to showcase your podcast. Go to www.notetofutureme.com and scroll down to my booking calendar.

Email us at podcasts@circle270media.com to set up time to talk more about your new or established business podcast.

A full transcription of this podcast is available on both -



Me - Brett Johnson

LinkedIn - bretthjohnson

FB - circle270media

Twitter - circle270media

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About the Podcast

Note To Future Me
Each episode gives listeners insight on how to develop and implement a podcast into their business' marketing strategy.

Brett Johnson is the owner and lead consultant at Circle270Media Podcast Consultants. With over 35+ years of experience in Marketing, Content Creation, Audio Production/Recording and Broadcasting, the podcast consultants at Circle270Media strategically bring these strengths together for their business Podcast clients.

Subscribe to my free Open The Mic Newsletter at https://www.getrevue.co/profile/c270m. It's chock full of podcast news you may have missed, as well as social media, sales, and audio production tips, as well as insights on how to grow your podcast. Anything that catches my eye that I think you, the Podcaster, should know about.

Email us at podcasts @circle270media.com to set up time to talk more about your new or established business podcast.

Me - Brett Johnson
Web - https://www.circle270media.com
Web - https://www.notetofutureme.com
LinkedIn - bretthjohnson
FB - circle270media
Twitter - circle270media

Why write a note to myself, when I can pod-journal my thoughts about podcasting?!

About your host

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Circle270Media Podcast Consultants

We work with entrepreneurs, businesses, and brands to plan, produce, launch, and implement their podcasts into their marketing strategy.

With over 35 years of media management, sales, and content creation, Circle270Media Podcast Consultants provide:
*customized consulting, advising, and coaching
*strategic development, targeting, creation, multi-channel development, and publishing of your audio content marketing